Monday, May 4, 2009

Twilight DVD Release

I attended the Twilight DVD release with some of my TwilightMOMs friends. All week before the release there were rumors going around that there would be cast members at some of the release parties. Well, with the insider info from a TwilightMOM in Herriman and a few hints from our friendly P.R. representative for Twilight, we knew where to go to be a part of the action.
Kirsten and I rode together to the Riverton Wal-Mart and arrived about 8 p.m. Things started really getting crazy about 10 p.m. The crowd was huge. I think they said there were about 2500 people there. We got to meet Rachelle LeFevre, who plays Victoria. She is super fantastically awesome (yes, this who Twilight thing totally makes me forget my age). Rachelle is one of the neatest cast members, truly. She is so easy going and so willing to make the fans happy. She stayed until 2 a.m. to sign every single person's DVD (or whatever they wanted her to sign). It was great!

I really do enjoy my Twilight friends. It is so nice to have a respite from real life and get together with such cool ladies!

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