Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie Review

So, I am going to begin this blog by posting my review of the movie. I can only begin with today and work my way backwards to the beginning of my Twilight experience..

My mind and heart are so full, it would be impossilbe to write it all down, or so it seems. The whole experience of this premiere weekend is so overwhelming, it will take me months to wrap my brain around it all!

For me, the movie was pretty much what I expected. I went in with fairly low expectations. I knew the special effects would be poor and the most of the book would get cut. But that wasnt' what this movie experience was about for me. It was about getting a taste of what had been in my head since I first read the books, it was about being happy for Stephenie that she got to have these characters come to life (and also, in no small measure, that her favorite band, Muse, was part of the soundtrack!!!!), it was about celebrating the Twilight experience with my fellow TwilightMOMS friends and my family who all love this story.

That being said, I was pleased with the acting for the most part. I think Rob did as much justice to Edward as could be done. He is a very difficult character to portray, but I feel Rob made it believable. I left the theater feeling like I had just seen Edward for real. I am so grateful to Rob for working so hard to make this very important character (to all of us) come alive!

Kristen did a great job, too. She pulled off Bella fantastically. She got what Bella was all about. I see a lot of similarities between Bella and Kristen. (I can totally see Bella reacting to the media blitz surrounding Twilight just as Kristen does.) Kristen is so beautiful, too, in such a Bella-esque way. I can't believe what a perfect fit she is for this part. She also worked her butt off to put across this character. I can't imagine the emotional drain for both of these actors to live these characters for several months. Acting isn't as easy as it looks at first blush.

I was most pleasantly surprised by Billy Burke as Charlie. I didn't think I was going to like him, but he pulled it off quite well. And is probably my favorite character now after Bella, Edward, and Alice. Mike and Anna did a good job too as Mike and Jessica. I also really like Taylor as Jacob. He may be young and not "big" enough for Jacob, but I think he makes up for it in personality and screen presence. All day Saturday, I was siliently jumping for joy for Taylor thinking how happy he must be to get to play Jacob in "New Moon". Again, he has his heart in this project and that is going to make it fabulous!

I didn't expect, but thoroughly enjoyed all the comedy that became part of the movie. There are so many great lines now to be repeated. One that wasn't comedy at all but was the pinnacle for me was when Carlisle said, "Edward, remember who you are." That was it for me! That is what this story is all about. We have control over who we will be. No one decides for us. There is always a choice.All in all, I enjoyed it very much and it gets better each time I see it (I saw it 3 times this past week).

I talked with a friend on Sunday who said she enjoyed it more the second time because she wasn't being critical and just enjoyed it. I think that is the best you can do. It isn't the best movie ever made in the technical sense, but it is a great tribute to Stephenie's work. I have tons more to say and I that is why I started my own blog to get it all out.

This weekend was a major turning point in my life. Not only did I see the movie three times, I was involved in a huge event here in South Jordan that was so fantastically amazing! It made the premiere of this movie so meaningful to me because I have now gained hundreds of new friends. And that is what TwilightMOMS and the whole Twilight experience is all about! The final word: Why is Twilight so successful? Because it brings people together, it makes you feel connected to others around you, it makes you feel so alive! (Kind of ironic, huh?) : )

1 comment:

John and Heidi said...

I love your review. Thanks for sharing. The blog is coming along nicely.